
(MS) Mysore Style
The core of the classes at the Yoga Pilates Lounge | Heidelberg is the traditional style of Ashtanga Yoga as it is taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore (India). The yogi (student) practices the part of the series which he knows and gradually more asanas (poses) will be added. This is how the individual yoga practice will be developed and deepened. The teacher gives so called adjustments and assists. Mysore can be practiced by both beginners and advanced students. However we recommend the beginner to participate in our basic classes also.

(B1) Basic Class 1 / Basics
This class is especially designed for beginners of Ashtanga Yoga. Its goal is to get acquainted with and to deepen the basics for a safe, independent yoga practice and to therefore develop the basics for the "Mysore Classes". A class consists of:
×  Surya Namaskara A & B (sun salutations)
×  Breathing & Vinyasa (combining movement)
×  Standing poses Part 1 (6 basic poses)
×  Standing poses Part 2 / Seated Poses & Forward Bends Part 1.

(B2) Basic Class 2
In the process of the standing poses, the body becomes flexibe and prepared for the cleansing process of the first series. This class deals with further asanas of the series including the completion in the flow of the basic movement.
×  Seated poses & Forward bends part 2 & 3
×  Backward bends
×  Finishing asanas, counter poses.

(LC) Lead Class
As a complementary to the "Mysore classes" we offer classes in which the focus lies on the flow of the basic vinyasas. Solid knowledge from the basic classes as well as individual practice are required for this classes for the entire first series is practiced.

(HY) Hatha Yoga
In this class the classical Sivananda Yoga is tought. The Rishikesh series consist of 12 basic poses. The yogi practices them slowly and breathes deeply and afterwards he remains for the same amount of time in Savasana (relaxation pose) to feel the effect. Both beginners and advanced students are welcome.
×  Surya Namaskara (classical)
×  Headstand, counter pose
×  Forward-, backwardbends, twist
×  Pranayama (conscious breathing)